Friday, April 8, 2011

A Day In The Life:

It has been a long week. One of those weeks where you wish maybe you need another person around you at all times while your baby screams all day and your husband is gone at all hours of the day...maybe something like a sister wife?

One of those weeks when all you want to eat is chocolate. I walk around my tiny kitchen talking to myself...where is the chocolate!! Then I remember I don't buy it because of moments like that and I curse myself and think hard about walking across the street holding my baby because we don't have the car so I can get my fix.

Yeah its been a long week full of long doctors appointments for fat max rashy bum that got infected and I broke down and took him in after a long day of crying while I was trying to pack as well...because ya know we are moving in like 2 weeks and Larry can't help because he is melting his brain studying non-stop so it's up to me.

Call me super mom/wife maybe? Probably not I have been crying a lot this week as I pack alone and am missing the help of a husband that can swoop up a fussy max and let me go to bed early. Oh well such is life and it will get better. If I want to have more babies I need to learn to juggle and roll with the punches.

I will take a deep breath and feel some peace when Larry is done with his finals and we are living at my parents. Can I tell you how excited I am, because if I need to run to the store I don't always have to take Max because someone will be around to watch him. Amazing right? Larry and I can go on a date sans Max...that is amazing!

Now I am off to plan my sharing time and hoping Max won't wake up so I can work..did I mention I have also vacuumed the floor twice already today!

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