Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our Memorial Day

Monday the weather finally seemed like it wasn't going to rain so I jumped at the opportunity to get out and do something. My sister-in-law Carlene gave us this amazing bike trailer/jogger and I wanted to test it out! We did an 8 mile bike ride and it kicked my butt seriously it was so sore when we were done. Larry toed Max and had to really slow down for me haha it was pretty funny I kept yelling he owed me a big diet coke when we were done. Look how cute Max is ready to ride! He loved it and half way through totally conked out and slept until the end he really is such a fun little trooper. I am hoping I can bike him to the park and play and bike home pretty often and do more things outside with Max as the weather gets better. It was a fun afternoon and at the end Larry got me my big diet coke!

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