Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 Years Later:

Well we made it 4 years!
Our real anniversary is the 6 in-fact which was Tuesday. Larry worked and has school so on labor day Monday we went out to lunch and a movie. Super casual and simple. We keep joking that maybe around year 10 we will get to do something fun like a getaway. Oh well such is life for a working law student and his family. Its been a wild ride these last 4 years. We've done and seen a lot and there is still so much more ahead for us. I never knew how hard it would be to make a life with someone, raise kids, go to school, achieve careers but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Larry is way to patient with me and loves me when I don't deserve it. Year 4 wasn't our finest year. In fact it has been our hardest year of our marriage I will be thankful because I can honestly say it was a doozy and I am ready to start fresh again. Here is to 4 more better and brighter years!

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