Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Calling all moms and or ANYONE!


My sweet innocent baby had been sleeping not a peep/soundly 10-12 hour nights and now is deciding to wake up 4 times a night for NO apparent reason. He has had plenty of food and has not over slept during his naps. Ahh mom AnnMarie is fading, especially recovering from the flu its been no fun. I can just see me being pregnant next time around sick, and letting Max destroy the house while Im so sick to care...Oh fun. Any suggestions out there for a whacked out sleep scheduled?? I am hoping it is just a phase and he will be back to his deep sleeps of 12 hours...I need that time to reload :)


  1. my vote is to drug him. although, i'm not sure that's allowed.. benadryl works great on ben.. ;) haha jk. but kinda for real

  2. sounds like a growth spurt to me... don't know if there's much you can do except maybe try to keep him awake longer before naps and bed so he's completely exhausted by the time he gets there.
    And i know its hard, but it ok to let him cry in bed sometimes...

  3. ummm teething, lots and lots of teething. Drug him with the good old tylenol. Don't let him get too spoiled while him teething either! With that sweet, cute lil guy it'll be hard. Found your good 'ol blog via natalie, so glad to have found you!
