Sunday, May 17, 2009

The end before the begining...

Well it happened I had a melt down. It was bound to happen right? Please tell me yes AnnMarie it is totally okay you can because moving across the country is nuts and lonely. It happened about the 2nd day Larry went to work and I sat at home. I hadn't been out anywhere yet and we had no food. I didn't eat all day long and was feeling so hopeless and I wanted to go back home.

Yes I know we have just gotten here but I was already done. Well Larry got home from work and I was distraught. I had really worked myself up and had re-packed everything. I has sitting on the suitcases when Larry came through the door. I lost it I cried and cried telling him through sobs I wanted to go back and I couldn't do this.

Now the good husband I had let me cry it out and through this major fit. I laid on the floor refusing to move and just saying I wanted to go home. When I was done he picked me up and we walked down the 1/2 mile to the pizza place. He ordered pizza and a large diet coke while I sat there silently looking very disheveled and had very red eyes I am sure. We sat there in silence while we ate and after awhile I started to feel better.

My husband is the best. He puts up with my emotional melt downs and knows how to fix everything. We walked home in the rain carrying a case of diet coke and some snacks for the next day. We decided I need to find a job and get out of our house...and eat more.

Hurray for amazing husbands. He unpacked everything and we watched a movie on the laptop, tomorrow will be a better day and I will be meeting Larry in the city if I make it there alive.

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