Friday, November 20, 2015


Let it be known that his day in history we found out that Larry PASSED the california bar!!! He took the test in July and now tonight we found out that he passed and can now be sworn in as a licensed attorney. It took a lot of years and work to get here. It was such a stressful and long day waiting till 6pm when the results were up. I couldn't look with Larry, I put the kids to bed and then heard him running up the stairs and I knew that meant he passed because he wouldn't run to tell me he didn't haha. I just cried and cried. It was a lot of sacrifice and faith having me not work and start a family while he went to law school and it still is us trying to have faith that he will be able to provide well for us so I can stay home with the kids, so this is kinda a big deal to say the least!!! Honestly we are on cloud 9 and now just wait for all the other things to come through intense background checks and what not then he can be sworn in by a judge and then onto a big awesome job hopefully. This is a huge blessing and we are really feeling happiness tonight!

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