Sunday, October 18, 2009

Still Kickin'

Don't worry the Harris Family is still alive! Its been an eventful couple of week. We have a new nephew! Baby Oliver arrived in style Congrats to Heather and Rob. Also I started giving out Shots, its kinda a power high sticking people with needles. I finished mid-terms and made it out alive. Larry got sick and has been filling out endless law school applications (He gets his score tomorrow) Also David came to visit for the weekend, we went to a corn maze and saw movies and ate lots of food, it was fun.

On a Sad Note, our Audi died a couple of weeks ago, it has been sad and it weirdly feels like a death in the family. Me and Larry bought that car together before we got married and its sad but don't worry we got a new car, well not new VERY old but it runs great and is a great little car and we are grateful it came our way and welcome it into the family! It is a stick though so I have to deal with that and it will be scary in the snow as I drive to Bountiful for clinicals in the snow at 4:00 am haha good times, its always something right?

Here are some pictures of our corn maze fun...

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys. Are you going to California for Christmas? I am trying to get the Mustache party to happen on the 19th of December. Sorry about your car.
