It was a big deal because President Monson was the key not speaker!! It was amazing to see him so close my friend Jade Woods and I went super early to get good seats and so we were close to him. The cool thing was the entire first presidency came as well. I was so proud of Larry and it was a pretty emotional day being 7 1/2 months pregnant and all. It has been bitter sweet knowing we are leaving Utah soon. I have officially given up my RN spot for the falling year of nursing school, which was an emotional tearful ordeal for me. I have made lifelong friends in this program. Anyone that has gone through something so intense will always have that bond.
It was a cold cloudy day {figures right?} and I think I look nice and hugely pregnant so the event was not documented very well but here is proof that our college careers are coming to an end...for now. It was an emotional ride living in Utah these three years. I will always look back with really great memories though and it will always be a special place for us because Utah will be where our first baby was born and our adult lives really began.
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