It still boggles my mind how fast little kids grow. From birth to a year they almost double or triple in size and then it just sky rockets from here! Well we celebrated Max's 4th birthday and he was SO excited. He had been asking for months when his party was going to be and when they day finally came he was over joyed.
We did a family party on his actual birthday. I made him a blue dinosaur cake (I think he will have a blue cake for every birthday) and then did a scavenger hunt to find his presents. He was so excited to go from clue to clue and Noah tagged right along. In the end he got a bunch of weapons which is a crack up and some legos...SO boy and SO Max!
Later that week we had a friend birthday party at the splash pad we've done it at the last few years. Max doesn't have too many kids his age in church but they were all invited plus all his cousins. My grandpa drew lots of different dinosaurs that we put all around the gazebo and we had a huge blow up dinosaur that we stuck right in the water which the kids loved. They played in the water for a long time then ended the party with a dinosaur pinata! It took the kids awhile to get it done because this mom knowing nothing about pinatas only brought a plastic bat!
I know he had a great time getting to be the center of attention and getting to just hang out with all his friends and cousins. Max is really social and loves playing with other kids. He had a smile on his face the entire day. He was especially excited when he received the Lego Movie from his Martin cousins. That thing has been playing non stop at our house the last few days.
I love so many things about Max. He can be hard because he is picky, and particular. Lots of tiny things bother him like tags on his shirt, sticky hands, dirty places, he likes things very familiar and has an impeccable memory for detail. That can be hard for me to handle sometimes I wish he was more flexible or would let something slide when things get hectic in our day but I have learned to anticipate his needs so a melt down won't occur.
One example or funny thing about Max is that he loves pizza but he only wants me to get him pepperoni pizza like when we are at costco. He then will proceed to tell me he wants me to take all the pepperoni off and then I cut it into pieces and he eats it with a fork. I kept telling him then it was just cheese pizza but he didn't want cheese pizza. One time I ordered him cheese and he almost lots it. He has been getting better because he was upset but he did still eat it a few months ago he won't have. Anyways I know just always get him pepperoni and take it all off and he is happy as can be. I have learned it is no sweat off my back to take the extra step and he is happy and eats it all. Some parents would tell him to suck it up but on this funny thing I pick my battles!
Anyways here are some GREAT things about our Max!!!
- Loves legos, and makes up different people all day long
- Is protective of Noah and can't wait to meet new baby sister!
- Gets excited about so many things like a new bunk bed or a new shirt!
- Loves going to parks and playing different games with kids or making up a story and playing super heros with Noah.
- I love that he is so inclusive with Noah he always wants Noah to come along or makes sure he gets what he needs.
- Loves being a sunbeam and singing church songs
- Favorite church song is Follow the Prophet!
- Still listens to his primary music when he goes to bed, which I think is so sweet.
- Is getting good at saying prayers at dinner and bedtime.
- Loves doing FHE with us.
- Thinks McDonalds happy meal is the best thing ever!!
- Loves living with his great grandpa and his grandparents...I don't know if he knows how different our living situation is but he thinks its the best!
- Loves to swim and is getting brave about swimming in the big pool without his floaties on!
- Tells me how much he loves me all the time.
- Has a hard time saying "sorry" but is getting better at looking people in the eye and saying it. Sometimes after a time out or some coaching from me.
- Loves are new big house and tells everyone about it, and whenever someone comes over he asks if they want to see his room.
- Loves going to the movies with Larry, it is their thing they do together and he thinks its the best to get the popcorn (which he doesn't eat) and a big drink and airheads and sit in the big movie theater seats.
- LOVES toys! will play for hours with them...great independent player.
Oh how much I love this boy of mine! It is hard sometimes to be the first born..we are still trying to figure out this parenting thing but Max has been so loving, forgiving, and patient with me. He wants to have the best family and be a super hero guy when he grows up...or maybe a lego builder! Oh to be 4 such a sweet golden age. I love you so much Max, I hope you know it and remember it especially when things are hard or I have to go into mom mode and teach and disciple...I want you to be the best Max you can possibly be! My goal is to teach you to be a leader, a good example and kind to everyone you meet in your life! I hope you are compassionate to those who are different, you include everyone, and look for those who might need a friend. I hope you can stand up to the evils of the world and that your dad and I can teach to have a desire to live a righteous life.
We all love you so much and loved celebrating you turning 4!!
Love this collage my phone made of him and his cake! Can't get enough of him, Please don't grow up Max :)