Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Six Sweet Weeks.

My sweet little Noah is officially six weeks old. We have had our ups and downs these last 6 weeks but I finally feel like I am in my mommy groove. I can go out and run very short errands with both of them, take them to the park, successfully nurse Noah while walking to the fridge to get Max a drink, and it takes me about 10 minutes to unload them from the car into the double stroller. When I change one diaper I usually check the other boy and change him so they are on the same schedule :) And my day is amazing when the starts align and they are naping at the same time!

I have yet to master nursing Noah in public with Max running around, usually we head to the car so Max can play to his hearts content with all the buttons while Noah eats and then back out we go. And I am not proud but I have bribed Max and given him treats more then I would like to admit to keep him happy, quite, and still. I have yet to stay calm and not feel stress when they are both freaking out but I am working on it. Last night Max was crying during his whole bath while Noah lay in his bassinet in the bathroom no less screaming unless I rocked the was not a pretty sight and it would have been funny to video tape the madness.

Despite the freakout moments Noah is truly a little bundle of joy. He is so cute and soft and if I could hold him all day I would. I love his little grunts and noises he makes when he sleeps and the soft sign of satisfaction when he is full of milk. I love how he already is able to lift his head and will constantly be grabbing at something. He has strong little legs that like to push up on things when he is being held. He smiles randomly and it melts my heart. I love to see the development and the major changes in just a few short weeks, but it makes me sad as well. For a long 9 months you await this sweet little newborn and then in a matter of weeks they get big and start to develop their personalities.

Noahs 6 Week Stats:
Weight: 9 pounds 5 ounces
Length: 21 inches

Oh my goodness I want him to stay a baby forever! How sweet is he!! 

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