2 posts in one day... Crazy! I had to celebrate not only Harry Potter but my first born:
Max J. Harris
16 pounds
Max J. Harris
16 pounds
25 inches
One chubby loving baby
Sleeps through the night 10-12 hours and still takes 2 long naps.
Loves to suck on fabric, plastic, hair,shoes, ties...
babbles and screams constantly
loves to smile
loves his dad
hates to not have constant attention
loves the car and his swing
loves bright lights
hates diaper changes
loves cuddling, baths, and being naked
kicking like crazy, rolls sometimes if you make him, scoots, and reaches for anything around and puts everything in his mouth!
Oh sweet Max can you believe we have made it 5 entire months??
Oh sweet Max can you believe we have made it 5 entire months??
He is such a rediculously cute baby! He's so perfect -- perfect head shape, perfect baby look!