Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 15th

Tomorrow is April 15th...A day I have been dreading for months. Tomorrow we will officially put down a chunk of change, let me rephrase that are heaping amount of money to a law school to save Larry's spot. He has been accepted to 7-8 schools now I can't even remember {blame is on the almost 30 week pregnant brain} but the day has come where we had to make a choice even though we are waiting to hear back form 2 more still, good times here. I am happy/stressed/scared/overwhelmed to announce we will be moving to San Diego California as of now but could change :)

This week has been full of highs and lows particularly lows. I had to formally turn down my spot in my nursing school for next year and came home in tears thinking of all the work I have done and that I will be transferring to a 3rd school soon. I hate to say I have "sacrificed" a lot for Larry's law school career, I try to think of it has tweaking my plans or choosing to go another way in hopes of a better future for our family but it is hard on days like to day and next week with graduation, its bitter sweet sometimes.

Conference taught me a lot though, we are making the right decision to have this baby and to continue with school and somehow, I have no clue how but heavenly father will provide for us because if he doesn't, we will die and be homeless. {I should probably delete that, but that is how I feel at times, don't you?}

so tomorrows the big day in a way...we are looking for apartments and freaking out about how to move our stuff and have a baby and how its all going to work, at times I feel like it would be just easier to stay here forever, it would be BUT apparently I do not know how to make my life easier only harder...I'm going to work on that.


1 comment:

  1. congrats on the law school acceptance! I know it sucks, I hate moving more than anything but you will really like it here. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help make your transition to San Diego any easier, and don't freak out too much on the cost of rent, it's only the tip of the iceburg!! I kid, I kid.. Promise that's the worst part. Let me know when you get here and I will take you to lunch and show you around. Best of luck with everything else, let me know how I can help. -amber
    by the way, my aunt is working at one of the hospitals while going to school and she said they are always needing people. I don't know if you'll need a job, but just in case, let me know!
