Thursday, September 29, 2011

Whats going on day to day for us...

Its really funny to watch a 15 month old socialize. Whenever we go to the park Max is always happier when there are children there. Sometimes we go and its just me and him and he doesn't want to stay long. Other times when there is kids its hard to get him to go. Its so funny to watch him go up to kids his age or sometimes 3 times his age and want to play with them. He is sometimes a little too friendly and tries to hug them and the freak out. He is so cute though he just wants little friends.

Joann's Fabric store is opening next friday and I am way excited about this new store coming to town. Its not technically in EDH but down the hill in Folsom so its basically where we live. So excited to get to go there for the big grand opening!

I am trying 2 new recipes over conference weekend. We will see how they go. I am a little nervous because they call for ingredients we never use.

I have been watching way to many BBC miniseries in the evening when Larry is at school. By the end of the day I am so wiped out alls I want to do is zone out on some good british love drama. Oh my those Brits are all about the drama and they are such gossips. I guess thats what I would do it I lived in a time before the radio or TV.

Max wears his halloween costume every day. Not all day long but for small chunks of the day. I can't resist putting it on him he looks so cute and really why should he only get to wear it one day for the holiday? Can't wait to post pictures once I get a descent on of him.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time For A Change.

It was finally somewhat cool today. Max was able to wear a long sleeve outfit and his new big boy shoes. My parents took him over to the park before church while I got ready. Its so nice having help, I know I can do a lot of things on my own because I have done them before but if your husband can't help you 90% of the time its such a blessing that my parents can, and are will too and I am pretty sure enjoy it. Anyways the weather felt like fall and even smelled like fall. I am looking forward to a change in the weather and a more winter wardrobe.

I am so looking forward to pumpkin spice cookies, pumpkin candles burning while I sew, fall colors, halloween decorations. Max halloween costume. Baking more, soups for dinner, going to Apple Hill, sweaters, boots, and an excuse to sew halloween decorations. I love this time of year when we go on walks and its cool and crisp out and it gets dark early. Hopefully it really does start to feel like the season and no more 100 degree weather....but its California so we can only ask for so much.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Toddler Max!

So Max turned the ripe age of 15 months this week. He has been grouchy and fussy all week. I think there might be more teeth coming but who knows. He is such a doll. He has learned to escapes from the house and I found him across the street at the mail box the other day. We now have to keep all doors locked at all times. Whenever someone in the house is leaving he thinks he is going with them, even when he is not. He has learned if we give him the keys he goes to the door and waits for us to open it then takes the keys to the car, hes a pretty smart kid. He has learned to fake laugh courtesy of John who has been watching him for me while I take CE credits to keep my nursing licence current. The other day my mom put socks on his hands and he thought it was the funnest thing. He stacks blocks kicks them down, throws balls and loves going on walks. My mom and I can walk for an hour just pushing him in his stroller and he won't make a peep. He is still taking 2 long naps and day thank goodness and sleeps all night. He is a sweet little guy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Fall Line Up.

I've been feeling under the weather lately and I'm not going to lie anytime Max is taking a nap or in bed so am I. I have been watching a lot of re-runs of Bones and Grey's Anatomy while those naps occur. Oh boy oh boy am I excited for the new seasons. Thursday nights have never been better! Now I LOVE LOVE being a mom and staying home. But sometimes after long days of constant cleaning up messes, and playing with a toddler I am so ready to say night night and turn on the TV and watch some good shows. Honestly its pretty nice when Larry's at school I can clean up everything fast then relax and drink diet coke, eat cookies and watch some Bones. Who's excited for Fall TV!? I am.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A little letter.

Dear September,
I know you think its still summer. But could you please cool down a little bit? I am sick of wearing my summer clothes, I am longing to get out long sleeve shirts and sweaters. I am dying to burn my pumpkin candles and buy anything halloween or fall looking. Please fall come soon my little Max loves to run outside but his mom hates being in the hot sun all afternoon but if it was cool and crisp outside she wouldn't mind!

The Harris Family

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 Years Later:

Well we made it 4 years!
Our real anniversary is the 6 in-fact which was Tuesday. Larry worked and has school so on labor day Monday we went out to lunch and a movie. Super casual and simple. We keep joking that maybe around year 10 we will get to do something fun like a getaway. Oh well such is life for a working law student and his family. Its been a wild ride these last 4 years. We've done and seen a lot and there is still so much more ahead for us. I never knew how hard it would be to make a life with someone, raise kids, go to school, achieve careers but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Larry is way to patient with me and loves me when I don't deserve it. Year 4 wasn't our finest year. In fact it has been our hardest year of our marriage I will be thankful because I can honestly say it was a doozy and I am ready to start fresh again. Here is to 4 more better and brighter years!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Max Crashes Hard.

Max took an awful spill yesterday. His mouth his the corner of a tile ledge and there was blood everywhere. Now being a nurse I know what to do but man its so different with your child. After he was calmed down, and cleaned up it was time to look at his mouth and teeth. Thank goodness all his 10 teeth were intact but he tore some of this gum and it bleed for a while. After calling a pediatric dentist in our ward he said it was typical place for toddlers to get hurt and that the pooling of blood and blood blister would take a couple weeks to heal. Poor little max. This all had happened during the 4th quarter of the BYU game so it was a bit hectic! So glad max will be okay. Its hard to watch your child cry and be in pain and not feel responsible. Today he is running around and pulling everything out of everywhere so he is back to his typical happy self. Its pretty amazing how little kids can get hurt and heal so quickly.

Friday, September 2, 2011

14.5 months

Well Im sorta a slacker on the blogging lately. We have just been really busy with guess what SCHOOL :) Larry works all day then goes to school... its hard, we don't see him very often in the week. Max only sees him 3 times a week because he is always asleep when larry gets home from school and leaves for work the next day. Its hard but we are going to see such a reward in the end {right?}. It also helps a lot that I am not alone all the time so being husbandless 99% of your life isn't as bad.

On to Max. He is 14 1/2 months and into everything. He has learned to run away from me and has learned to throw his diaper outside when I am done changing it. He is into everything, and that is not an exaggerations. Once he is finished destroying on place in the house he quickly moves on to another. His favorite pass time is going through all the kitchen cabinets and taking all the silverware out and spreading it around the house. He is starting to get on his tippy toes and reach for door handles and thinks when he has an empty cup it needs to be taken to the fridge right away to be refilled.

He likes to sing to himself in his crib...or his lair as my dad likes to refer to it, which his place he takes things and hides them his crib which is yes still in my parents closet. He loves to go outside and thinks anytime some has keys in their hands it means Max gets to go outside. He loves to go on bike rides with Larry to the park and slide down the slides. He is such a funny little boy. He loves going to the splash pad which is sadly closed for the winter season even though the high today is 101 :)

He smiles and everyone he is familiar with and scowls at people he doesn't know. He says a few tangled words but loves to scream "Dave" really loud whenever David comes into the room, so I think he is saying David but who really know. Hopefully he starts saying more words in the new few months. I still know what he wants though and he communicates well by taking your hand and taking you to what he wants its funny. He is getting to be such a big boy!